Friday, March 5, 2010

Do you think
(because IIIIII think)
that 'not knowing what you want'
is the cop-out fallacy furniture polish to I AM AFRAID OF/TO GET WHAT I WANT

that those who call themselves "existentialists" and do not fear death--
some of 'em, anyways----------------------------------------------------
fear life? L_I_V_I_N?

The thing is, these people are the worse off.
The thing is, while you're living, you're alive, as opposed to dead. Fearing something you're inside of is silly because soon it will be over, and you'll have missed it utterly. Fearing unknown distant concepts, a l'autre main, must only partially preoccupy you, and certainly won't let you waste all your blessed breath-time because you won't be afraid of doing things while you breathe. So bravery is smart.

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